
We believe that the church is the people, not a place. The word ‘church’ comes from the Greek word ekklesia, which refers to the congregation that make up a church family. People from various ages, backgrounds, and experiences are united through the Gospel of Christ.

Each Sunday morning at 10:30am, we gather collectively to worship Jesus and celebrate His death and resurrection which accomplished our redemption, restores us, and to re-creates us. Our time together includes singing, prayer, giving, updates, and expository preaching. We would love for you to join us. It is our prayer that God would make Himself known to you through the person and work of Jesus Christ and that you would be captured by His beauty and glory.

By God’s grace, we have the blessing of owning a large, spacious facility right in the center of downtown Haverhill, Massachusetts. Look for our "First Baptist Church Main" sign in the front and come right into our main entrance. Once inside, you will be met by our friendly greeters or look for signs for the Sanctuary.


From Interstate 495

Take Exit 51A for MA Rte 125 (Main St.) South toward downtown Haverhill. Continue South on Main St. for 1.6 miles. FBC will be on your left just past CVS Pharmacy.

Parking Options:

Front Lot

  • This lot is reserved for visitors and families with young children.
  • This lot is located In front of the FBC Education Building.
  • Enter this one-way lot from Cherry St., and exit on Main St.
  • Entrance door is in the "breezeway" or small building connecting the Sanctuary to the Education Building.

Back Lot

  • This primary lot offers both standard and signed handicapped parking, and a handicapped-accessible entrance.
  • This lot is located behind the building.
  • Enter and exit the lot from Cherry St.
  • Entrance door is adjacent to the handicapped parking spaces.

Corner Lot

  • This secondary lot offers additional parking close to the Sanctuary entrance which faces Main St.
  • Enter and exit this lot from Arlington St.

american sign language (ASL)

First Baptist is able to offer American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation during most of our Sunday Worship Services upon request! If you are in need of ASL interpretation, please let us know in advance by contacting the church office by e-mail at office@fbchaverhill.org or by phone at 978-374-7491.

If you are a proficient ASL interpreter and would like to join our ASL Interpretation team, please contact the church office for more information!

Messiah in the Passover Banquet dinner

First Baptist Church of Haverhill

Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 6:00-8:30pm

217 Main Street | Haverhill, MA 01830

978-374-7491 ext. 0 | kina@fbchaverhill.org

Join us on Maundy Thursday as Mitch Forman of Chosen People Ministries walks us through the Last Supper with family-friendly participation and dinner. Experience through the symbolic elements in the Passover meal, the meaning of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection!

The cost for each person is $10 and a total of $30 for a family with children.

The deadline register is Sunday, April 13. (Limited capacity)