a Jesus-centered community seeking the gospel-redemption of our city

The gospel is the central message of the Christian faith. It is the message of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, come in the flesh. Jesus lived a sinless life, died a death in our place and rose in triumph over the grave. Through faith alone in Him, we find our eternal hope. It is a message for the whole world to hear.

Come and celebrate the gospel with us!

Est. 1765

Join us every Sunday morning at 10:30am

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Messiah in the passover Banquet dinner

First Baptist Church of Haverhill

Thursday, April 17, 2025 | 6:00-8:30pm

217 Main Street | Haverhill, MA 01830

978-374-7491 ext. 0 | kina@fbchaverhill.org

Join us on Maundy Thursday as Mitch Forman of Chosen People Ministries walks us through the Last Supper with family-friendly participation and dinner. Experience through the symbolic elements in the Passover meal, the meaning of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection!

The cost for each person is $10 and a total of $30 for a family with children.

The deadline register is Sunday, April 13. (Limited capacity)